Shred360 News

News, Announcements, & General Information
email graphic

Beware These Email Scams!

Have a Google or Gmail account? Watch out for scam emails posing as messages from Google. They may...
dumpster diving

Dumpster Diving and Disco

Dumpster Diving and Disco "I haven't heard about dumpster diving since I was dancing to disco!" That's what...
golf promo newsletter

2nd Annual Shred360 Golf Tournament to Benefit Epworth Children’s Home

WHEN: Friday, October 16th, 2015 8:00am Reg 9:00am Start WHERE: Hidden Valley Country Club 147 Excaliber Ct Gaston...
Phone Scam

Phone Scam Alert

Phone Scam Alert! Have you ever answered the phone to find that the other end was silent? BE...
internet safety

Staying Safe on Facebook

The whole point of Facebook is to share your life with other people. You probably have more than...
Tampa Shred Day blog

Doing the ‘Monster Munch’

  Many thanks to Vinnie Mirchandani for featuring Shred360 Tampa in a recent blog... To view the original...
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Shred360 Staffers Achieve Lofty Status

Shred360 is extremely proud to boast a status that we believe no other secure shredding company (anywhere!) has...
concert tickets

Win Concert Tickets to See Florida Georgia Line!

  We cannot wait for our shred day to benefit Jack Enright in Chapin next Thursday, April 30th!...
naid logo

Anderson to Head New Certification Initiative

At the NAID Annual Business Meeting, held during the NAID 2015 Annual Conference last week, Treasurer Angie Singer...
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Shred Day and E-Waste Recycling Day at Shred360 Facility to Benefit Operation Enduring Warrior

Organized by Shred360 CEO and former USMC Sergeant James Christie, Shred360 is sponsoring a free community shred day...

Identity Theft: What You Need To Know

Shred360 would like to share a great publication with you that our friends at SC Dept of Consumer...
id theft fingerprint

Top 10 Consumer Complaints

  Sharing from our friends at the FTC....thanks to Colleen Tressler of the FTC for this great info......
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Winner of the Shred360 Logo Design Contest 2015

            Shred360 Announces the Winner of the Shred360 Logo Design Contest 2015  ...
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Meet the Shred360 Management Team

  Recently, we posted our newest Shred360 team photo.  Now, we'd like for you to meet the Shred360...
data privacy day

National Data Privacy Day — Tips to Keep Your Online Data and Privacy Safe

  In honor of today, January 28th, being Data Privacy Day, Shred360 wanted to share some valuable information...
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New Shred360 Team Photo

  At Shred360, we are extremely proud of the team that we have assembled to serve the needs of...
logo design Contest

Calling All Students (K-12)…Help Us Celebrate! Shred360 Birthday Logo Design Contest…

CALLING ALL STUDENTS (K-12)! In January, Shred360 will celebrate its 8th Birthday!  We need YOU to help us...
holiday scams

‘Tis the Season…for SCAMS!

The holidays are a great time to think of others and to make charitable contributions to worthy causes...

SCAM ALERT! — Beware the Jury Duty Scam

This information shared with you from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): The phone rings, you pick it...

Shred360 And Cooper Financial Services Team Up To Feed The Hungry

On Saturday, November 1, Shred360 and Cooper Financial Services held a free Shred Day for the public to...
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10 Helpful Tips To Protect Your Identity

Protect your social security number. Don’t carry your social security card in your wallet or purse.  If your...


First Florida Customer

Shred360 Performs First Document Purge in Florida!

Shred360 Performs First Document Purge in Florida! Shown above are Shred360's Cam Caudle and Mike Mason, of Mason...

Vital Contacts and Links for Consumers!

Important Contact Info and Useful Links for Consumers Free Annual Credit Reports -- Under federal law, you have...